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13 May 2022

An opkg-based OpenBMC development workflow

by Andrew

Previously I talked about the mechanics of how I develop bits and pieces of userspace for OpenBMC. What I will discuss this time is an alternative flow that replaces the use of devtool deploy-target with opkg.


Under the covers bitbake leverages one of several package managers to deploy the recipe artifacts into a rootfs via Package Feeds, one of them being opkg. As of 605c37cb989a (“bitbake: Use IPK packaging for rootfs assembly”) OpenBMC prefers the use of ipk packages, the format handled by opkg.

opkg grew out of OpenWrt as a lightweight package manager implemented for embedded environments and its development appears to now have been taken up by the Yocto project. By contrast to apt and dnf for .deb and .rpm package handling respectively, opkg is relatively straight-forward to configure and control and doesn’t require much (any) extra effort to work with cross-architecture package archives.

But what are the benefits?

There are several alternatives for deploying your changes when testing your work:

  1. Use the SDK to build and then manually locate and scp artifacts out of your application build tree
  2. Use the devtool modify ... / devtool deploy-target ... workflow outlined in the previous post
  3. Use bitbake to generate a complete firmware image and deploy

The first requires installing an appropriate SDK for the target environment. Installing the hulking SDKs is annoying, building them is worse, and manually locating binaries to copy out of your build tree is tedious. This gets more fiddly and annoying with the more dependencies you have beteween your artifacts (e.g. a co-req with a systemd unit file change, or some shared libraries).

This second improves on the first because it doesn’t require an SDK - bitbake builds you the correct environment so your binaries are always accurate for the target. However, devtool deploy-target doesn’t perform any dependency resolution, leaving this approach short for deploying things like tracing and debugging tools that you don’t necessarily bake into the production image.

The third tends to have a much higher latency than the earlier two, though does provide all the consistency needed.

The approach described in this post using opkg tries to solve all of the problems outlined above:

  1. No tedious hunting and copying of specific artifacts, and integration of configuration and unit files into the target environment is automated
  2. Dependency resolution and installation is automatically applied
  3. Only deploys the specific packages required for the configuration, nothing more, nothing less.

However, its still a trade-off, as implementing the opkg approach does involve some complexity.

Exposing the bitbake package archive and configuring opkg

So by including opkg in the target image we can exploit the package feeds that bitbake intrinsically generates for development purposes on the BMC. Here I’ll cover how to piece things together into an effective workflow.

Generally your OpenBMC build machine and target environment are not the same. As such we need a way to expose the bitbake package feeds on the build machine for opkg to access from the target environment. The most pragmatic way to do this is to use Python’s built-in webserver from the http module:

$ python3 -m http.server
Serving HTTP on port 8000 ( ...

Exploiting this for the package archive we run the following from the root of our bitbake build tree:

$ python3 -m http.server --directory tmp/deploy/ipk
Serving HTTP on port 8000 ( ...

Now we need to tell opkg how to reach our package archive. For this I use the awful shell function that follows. Paste this into your ~/.bashrc and try to forget about the details:

gen_opkg_conf () 
    local ipk_url="$1";
    local build_dir="$2";
    cat "${build_dir}"/tmp/deploy/ipk/**/Packages |
        grep --color=auto '^Architecture' |
        sort -u |
        awk "BEGIN { arch_prio=1 } { printf(\"arch %s %d\n\", \$2, arch_prio); arch_prio += 5; printf(\"src/gz %s %s/%s\n\", \$2, \"${ipk_url}\", \$2) }" |

The key pieces it needs as arguments are:

  1. A URL that can be used to reach the webserver we’re hosting out of the bitbake package archive directory, and
  2. The path to the root of your bitbake build directory.

An example invocation looks like the following. The IP address must be replaced with the address of your build machine, which must also be reachable from the BMC:

$ bitbake package-index
$ gen_opkg_conf .
arch all 1
arch armv7ahf-vfpv4d16 6
arch foo 11
arch x86_64-nativesdk 16
src/gz all
src/gz armv7ahf-vfpv4d16
src/gz foo
src/gz x86_64-nativesdk

The bitbake package-index command is necessary to ensure the package archive is in a usable state before we parse the data with gen_opkg_conf.

Paste the output from gen_opkg_conf ... into a file in the target environment. In this example we’ll use the path ~/opkg.conf. At this point opkg is ready to go, save for some minor details like read-only root filesystems.

Preparing the root filesystem

Often embedded environments make use of read-only root filesystems. This makes using a package manager difficult, as it will want to deploy the packages there. To fix this we can make use of tmpfs overlays. The overlay script makes life a bit easier here, and we’ll use it in the snippets below. Copy it onto the target.

In addition to deploying the package artifacts opkg maintains a database to track package states. As we’re deploying the packages into tmpfs mounts, we should also make the package database disappear if the tmpfs overlays disappear. To fix it all up on the target in one fell swoop, run:

# mkdir -p /var/{lib,cache}/opkg &&
> rm -rf /var/{lib,cache}/opkg/* &&
> ./overlay add /var/{lib,cache}/opkg /usr /lib /bin /sbin

Building your package and updating the archive

At this point we’re ready to install things onto the target using opkg. However, if we’re doing development iterations on a package we need to make sure the package archive contains our work. Assuming the package has already been set up using devtool modify ..., build using the do_package_write_ipk task. Using dbus-sensors as an example like we did last time:

$ bitbake dbus-sensors:do_package_write_ipk &&
> bitbake package-index

The do_package_write_ipk task drops the package into the package archive, and then the package-index recipe takes care of fixing up the archive metadata.

The package-index recipe needs to be explicitly executed in a subsequent build as it has no dependency on the do_package_write_ipk task.

Both commands need to be executed each time you wish to deploy your work.

(Re-)Installing packages using opkg

opkg is configured, we’re exposing our package archive via HTTP and our tmpfs overlays are in-place in our target environment. We’re ready to install some packages!

By default opkg looks for its configuration at /etc/opkg.conf. We placed ours at ~/opkg.conf in our target environment, so all our opkg invocations need to account for that. opkg is told where its configuration lives using the -f or --conf option.

With that we can prime the package metadata and install something.

At least, almost. As a once-off before we begin installing things we need to clean up some breakage from the base-files package, which removes /var/lock in its preinstall script:

# opkg -f ~/opkg.conf update &&
> opkg -f ~/opkg.conf install --force-overwrite base-files &&
> systemd-tmpfiles --create --exclude-prefix=/dev

With that fixed up, to iterate on our package we use:

# opkg -f ~/opkg.conf update &&
> opkg -f ~/opkg.conf install --volatile-cache --force-reinstall dbus-sensors

The --volatile-cache option ensures that subsequent installs don’t try to reuse a stale package. The --force-reinstall option ensures that if the package is already installed it is first removed, then the updated package installed.

From here it’s a matter of iterating between rebuilding using the bitbake steps outlined earlier, and then reinstalling the package using the commands outlined above.

Debugging your work

Now that we have a working opkg, you can have debug symbols on the target too! bitbake generates several additional packages for each recipe: a ...-dbg package containing the debug symbols for the corresponding binary package, and a ...-src package containing the sources used to generate binary and ...-dbg packages.

To figure out why nvmesensor is crashing, we can:

# opkg -f ~/opkg.conf install gdb gcc-runtime-dbg
# opkg -f ~/opkg.conf install --volatile-cache --force-reinstall dbus-sensors-dbg
# gdb -q nvmesensor

Similarly, you can install valgrind, perf or any other tool that’s useful for understanding what’s going on. If the tool doesn’t appear in the package archive, a bitbake ...:do_package_write_ipk && bitbake package-index takes care of it!

Searching for packages with opkg

Finally, sometimes the package names aren’t intuitive and you need to search. This is handled by opkg’s find subcommand, which can take a glob:

# opkg -f ~/opkg.conf find 'phosphor-power*'
phosphor-power - 1.0+git0+c94ccc0945-r1
phosphor-power-control - 1.0+git0+c94ccc0945-r1
phosphor-power-dbg - 1.0+git0+c94ccc0945-r1
phosphor-power-dev - 1.0+git0+c94ccc0945-r1
phosphor-power-ibm-ups - 1.0+git0+c94ccc0945-r1
phosphor-power-psu-monitor - 1.0+git0+c94ccc0945-r1
phosphor-power-regulators - 1.0+git0+c94ccc0945-r1
phosphor-power-sequencer - 1.0+git0+c94ccc0945-r1
phosphor-power-src - 1.0+git0+c94ccc0945-r1
phosphor-power-utils - 1.0+git0+c94ccc0945-r1

In this case the recipe implements a split package arrangement. Note that the ...-dbg and ...-src packages are relative to the recipe name, not the split package name!
