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19 June 2023

Representations and Design Boundaries with Endianness

by Andrew

The nuts and bolts of endianness are a bit fiddly. Keeping value endianness in mind when reading through memory dumps is annoying but not intractable. In my mind, a more important concern is deciding where to address endianness in a system design. The answer to that is very likely “at the boundaries”, but this also requires knowing where the boundaries are in a system design.

         Big Endian   MS  Little Endian
      +-------------- 12 --------------+
      |  +----------- 34 -----------+  |
      |  |  +-------- AB --------+  |  |
      |  |  |  +----- CD -----+  |  |  |
      |  |  |  |      LS      |  |  |  |
      v  v  v  v      ||      v  v  v  v
MS | 12 34 AB CD | LS || LS | CD AB 34 12 | MS | Value
   | 0  1  2  3  |    ||    | 0  1  2  3  |    | Address

Endianness is at its most important when data is being exchanged. An exchange can take place in space, e.g. between two systems over a network, or in time, e.g. by being written to and read from persistent storage by distinct releases of an application. However, equally important is when it’s unimportant: When data is ephemeral, contained entirely within a process, we can pretend the problem of endianness doesn’t exist. It hasn’t gone away, as the CPU will operate in a specified endianness, but it can feel invisible.

Unpicking this latter point further, we call this representation “host” endianness. It doesn’t matter whether the CPU is running as big-endian or little-endian, what matters is that the representation is unchanging over time.

Programming in host endianness is the most intuitive and frictionless way to work with values, precisely because it feels invisible. Separately, when designing a software system, we want the design to feel intuitive and frictionless because to do otherwise would make working with the system tedious and error-prone. It’s already hard enough to write software that’s error-free, so we should work to avoid tedious and error-prone designs.

This strongly suggests that as much as possible, we should be working with values in host endianness.

But what if we are working with data that’s being exchanged in space or time? Doesn’t that put a stop to our “make the endianness invisible” design principle? Not if we consistently apply the approach of handling reified endianness at the system’s boundaries. But where are a system’s boundaries?

A system’s boundaries are where any effect first becomes our system’s problem, or first becomes another system’s problem.

Consider a library that handles encoding and decoding messages exchanged between two systems. A “system” in the context of the library includes the library and its calling application. For the library’s API design to be intuitive and frictionless, it is required that values passed from or to the caller must be in host endianness. To do otherwise would be tedious - forcing endian conversion at the all call sites, and error-prone - performing endianness conversion at the call sites is easily forgotten. However, a requirement on the library’s implementation is that it correctly encode values into the wire format for the message in order to conform with the specification. The same applies in the obverse case: As above it’s a requirement that values passed from a received message to the caller of the library’s APIs be in host endianness. However, it’s also a requirement that the library correctly decode values from the wire format for the message in order to conform to the specification.

Together these requirements “squeeze” the design space in which the endian conversion must take place: It must occur at the system boundary, in the library’s implementation, where the encoding and decoding of messages takes place. These concerns must not be forced on callers of the library’s API1.

  1. If the library fails to adhere to the principle of handling endianness at the boundaries it is also outsourcing a core promise of protocol correctness to the caller. In effect, under such a design the library can never claim to be a correct implementation, as the statement must be extended to cover the context of all call sites for the library’s APIs, or assume caller correctness. 
